Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Free Varicose Vein Screening Event

On April 14, 2012, Dr. Robert Wolyn of Mountain Heart Medical Practice will be hosting a free varicose vein screening at Mountain Heart from 3-5PM to raise awareness for venous disease and available treatment options, including the Venefit ® procedure.
An estimated 25 million people in the United States have varicose veins.  A leading cause of varicose veins is venous reflux disease caused by incompetent or “leaky” valves in the great saphenous vein running from ankle to groin in each leg. In addition to varicose veins, other symptoms may include leg pain, fatigue, swelling and skin ulceration.  This condition can be progressive if left untreated and symptoms may worsen with time.

• It is estimated that in America, 72% of women and 42% of men will experience varicose veins by the time they are in their 60s.

• Peak incidence of venous insufficiency occurs in women aged 40 – 49 years and in men aged 70 – 79 years.

• Common risk factors for varicose veins and venous reflux include multiple pregnancies, family history, obesity and standing professions.

Dr. Robert Wolyn is hosting this free screening event in order to educate the community about venous disease, risk factors, prevention and treatment options.  Varicose veins frequently force people to dramatically change their lifestyles, especially when they have standing professions and can no longer tolerate being on their feet all day.

Multiple treatment options are available for this condition. Patients with venous reflux disease can now be treated with the Venefit procedure, a minimally invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to treat the diseased vein. Patients treated with the Venefit procedure typically resume their regular activities in approximately one day.  Prior to the introduction of the Venefit procedure, traditional treatment has been vein stripping surgery, which can result in significantly longer return to work recovery time.4 Patient satisfaction with the Venefit Closure procedure is high, with 95% of patients reporting that they would recommend the procedure to a friend.  The procedure is widely embraced by physicians and is covered by most insurance companies.

Those interested in attending this free varicose vein screening event can contact Ande Burke at 928-226-6400, visit or for more information email to register for the event.


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