Friday, June 29, 2012

Affordable Care Act Ruling a "Clarion Call for Prevention"

Statement from Mary A. Pittman, DrPH, CEO and President, Public Health Institute, June 28th:

"Today's momentous Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sends a clear message: our transformation to a system of wellcare is underway, and there is no going back. 

"True health care reform was never just about how to insure individuals and pay for health services, but rather how to re-vision our health care system, prioritize prevention and keep people healthy in the first place.

"Today it is more important than ever that we work together to advance prevention: at every level of government, in our health care system, and in communities across the country.
"Millions of Americans will continue to benefit from the ACA's important strategies to transform our sickcare system into one that truly focuses on health and wellness: coverage for preventive health care, allowing young adults to remain on their parents' health insurance, and Medicaid coverage for everyone under 133 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. The ACA's landmark Prevention and Public Health Fund will continue to help communities across the country live smoke-free, eat healthier foods and get active.

"Evidence-based, community-focused prevention remains one of the best tools we have to improve our health, and the Public Health Institute (PHI) hears today's ruling as a clarion call to protect the health of those most at risk. PHI will continue to lead the work of 42 communities in high-need, under-resourced counties across California as they implement Community Transformation Grants, funded through the Prevention and Public Health Fund. PHI will continue to press for all levels of government to consider the health and equity of our people in every policy that is passed and every bill that is considered.

"The ACA is a visionary milestone in our country's history and the wheels it has set in motion will continue to benefit us all. We won't go back. The movement to build a healthier, more equitable nation extends beyond one piece of legislation. We all must continue to do our part to build a nation where everyone has an equal opportunity to experience optimal health."

Parent Resource Coordinator Job Position - Parenting AZ

Parenting AZ will be accepting apps. until July 15.

Contact: Parenting Arizona- 773-9133 

Full job description

Watch Arizona Teens Fight Their Addictions!

What do tobacco and social media have in common? They both affect your brain chemistry. They're highly addictive. And they are popular with teens.

Six teens in Arizona gave up their favorite addiction for ten days. We filmed it all. Did they kick their habit, or crack under the pressure?

Episodes start June 27th.  Watch and find out.

Healthy Living Resource Fair and Cancer Screening Day

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How are the Kids in Your New Legislative District?

Children's Action Alliance
A Voice for Arizona's Children Since 1988

All of the State Legislative Districts were redrawn this year, so the District you're now living in has changed. There are still 30 districts, but every one of the 30 has different boundaries and different numbers to go along with them. It's more than likely that the Legislative District (LD) you live in now is significantly different from the one you lived in just last year.

To help you learn more about your new District and conditions for children and families, we've pulled a ton of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and created fact sheets for each new LD in Arizona.

We've got:

The percentage of kids living in poverty.
The percentage of 3rd Graders who passed the AIMS Reading Test for select schools and school districts.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the children.
The percent of children living in households where a Public Benefit such as: Supplemental Security Income (SSI), cash public assistance income, or Food Stamps/SNAP, has been received in the past 12 months.

And Many More!

Click here to be taken to our 2012 Legislative District Fact Sheet page, where you can find all of the district fact sheets and learn how kids are faring in your community. If you don’t know your new legislative district, you can visit your county Election Office webpage or view the legislative maps at

If you have any questions about the fact sheets or the district you're living in, please, don't hesitate to contact me, Joshua Oehler at or by phone at 602-266-0707 x204.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a course designed to help students cultivate their own mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness is a way of waking up to your life, of learning to relate directly to whatever is happening in your life.  It is a way of doing something for yourself that only you can do—consciously working with your own stress, pain, illness, and the challenges of daily life.

By enrolling in MBSR, you will have the opportunity to learn the following:

•    Practical methods for focusing your attention
•    Coping skills to improve your ability to handle stressful situations
•    To increase awareness of the interconnectedness of mind and body in health and illness
•    Gentle body-focused conditioning exercises to strengthen and release muscle tension
•    To cultivate greater balance in your life

The class schedule consists of 8 weekly classes of 2 hours each and one 5 hour day of mindfulness.  There are over 20 total hours of instruction.

This course is modeled on MBSR developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.  This program has been taught for over 30 years and research indicates efficacy in a range of areas of both physical and mental distress.

Nicolette Sachs, course instructor, has taught Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction to approximately 150 students during the past 9 years.  As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Nicolette has sustained a private practice in Flagstaff for 16 years.

There will be a free orientation session held on Tuesday, August 14th, 2012, from 6:00-7:30pm. The full course begins on Tuesday, August 28th, 6:00pm-8:00pm.  The course will go for 8 consecutive weeks.  The Day of Mindfulness is scheduled for Saturday, October 6th.  The cost for the 8 weekly classes, including the day of mindfulness and course materials, is $250.00.

The course location is: Music Together, 2708 N. 4th St., Suite A-6, Flagstaff  (located in the Knoles Village Center off 4th Street).

Please contact Nicolette at (928) 526-1961 x4 or with any questions, to sign up for the orientation, and to reserve your place in this class.

Creative Expression workshops July 9-13th

I am sending along the registration form for NACA and Hermosa Vida’s upcoming creative expression workshop series: “Teaching Artistic Gifts 2 Youth. Thinking, Advocating, Growing (T.A.G 2Y)” (July 9th – 13th, location: Killip Elementary School). These workshops are free and open to all youth, ages 11 – 19. We have presenters who will be teaching workshops around a diversity of topics, including rapping, mask making, cooking, painting, and more. Please distribute this registration form to your networks and tell any interested youth to sign up for T.A.G 2 Y!


Chelsea Kuiper
Hermosa Vida Program Coordinator
North Country HealthCare
2920 N. 4th Street
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
(928) 522-2441

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Understanding Infant Adoption - Free Training

FREE Educational Workshop

This training is designed to assist ARIZONA healthcare professionals in providing adoption information and referrals to pregnant women, teens, and couples who are experiencing an unplanned/unintended pregnancy on an equal basis with other courses of action.


* ARIZONA Adoption Practice
* ARIZONA Adoption Procedures & Laws
* Social, Cultural and Personal Influences on Adoption Decision-Making
* Non-Directive Techniques for Informed Decision Making
* ARIZONA Resources & Community Referrals for Pregnancy Counseling and Adoption


Health care staff from non-profit, medical settings including:

* Title X Family Planning Clinics
* Community Health Centers and Clinics
* State & County Health Departments (Family Planning, Community Health, WIC)
* Indian Health Services
* Nurses, Social Workers, and other direct service staff from non-profit hospitals
* Physicians, Nurses, Medical Assistants, and other support staff from OB/GYN  offices affiliated with non-profit hospitals and/or organizations
* Planned Parenthood
* Staff from non-profit primary care clinics


8:15AM – 4:30PM  * LUNCH INCLUDED *



(Follow links on left column)


Arizona’s Children Association, Attn: IAATP
1600 N Country Club Road
Tucson, AZ 85716


Phone: 520-327-2387 or 1-877-774-0111 Extension 1980 or 1977
Fax: 520-795-2580


U.S. Senate Approves Bill to Ban Sale of Synthetic Drugs

From Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA):
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced that the U.S. Senate passed a bill that would make synthetic marijuana and the chemical compounds found in bath salts illegal in the United States.
Passed as part of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act, Schumer and Senate colleagues were able to overcome a filibuster threat that has held up passage of the bipartisan legislation for months.

“Let this be a warning to those who make a profit manufacturing and selling killer chemical components to our teens and children: the jig is up,” said Schumer in a news release. “This bill closes loopholes that have allowed manufacturers to circumvent local and state bans and ensures that you cannot simply cross state lines to find these deadly synthetic drugs.”

Schumer’s bill would take the chemicals the Drug Enforcement Administration has identified within synthetic marijuana products and place them as Schedule I narcotics with other drugs like heroin and LSD. It would close loopholes that have made the spread of synthetic marijuana almost impossible to stop because manufacturers tweak the chemical compounds to create products that are not technically covered under existing bans. The legislation casts a wide net over existing synthetic marijuana products and other possible chemical combinations, ensuring that simple chemistry could not result in new products that fall outside of existing bans.

In addition to banning synthetic marijuana, Schumer’s legislation also bans MDPV (methylenedioxypyrovalerone) and mephedrone, the active ingredients in bath salts. The chemicals found in these “bath salts” and “plant foods” cause effects similar to those caused by cocaine and methamphetamines, including hallucinations, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts. In one case a user was reported to have resorted to self-mutilation after abusing the substance. In several cases, users have died after overdosing or because of violent behavior. Bath salts are suspected in an alleged attack on a Miami homeless man late last week.

A similar bill passed the House last December. Schumer expects the ban to be on President Obama’s desk by July 4. When it is signed into law, the bill will make it illegal to sell synthetic marijuana and bath salts anywhere in the United States, regardless of local laws. First-time offenders will receive up to 20 years in prison, and repeat sellers will receive up to 30 years.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced that the U.S. Senate passed a bill that would make synthetic marijuana and the chemical compounds found in bath salts illegal in the United States.

What has your coalition done regarding bath salts and synthetic marijuana in your community? Sound off on CADCA’s Facebook page and consider learning more strategies to apply in your community in CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute workshop “Substance Abuse in the 21st Century: A New Look” in which Bragg Hill Community Coalition Project Director Sue Parr examines synthetic drug products.

Flagstaff Foodlink and Hermosa Vida Invite You to Participate at the Izabel Community Garden

North Country HealthCare and Flagstaff Foodlink would like to announce the availability of garden plots at the Izabel Community Garden located in Flagstaff’s Sunnyside Neighborhood.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables? Right now is a great time to kick-off the growing season in Flagstaff. Garden plots at the Izabel garden range from $30-$45 for the year. Gardeners will receive access to water, a tool shed, seeds, and advice from a garden coordinator. The garden is also a great place to socialize with other community members. Financial assistance will be provided to community members that are interested by a project called “A Beautiful Life – Hermosa Vida – Nónizhí Iiná”, the project promotes healthy lifestyles in recognition that a healthy life is a beautiful life.

Flagstaff Foodlink offers strong educational, organizational and fundraising tools to the exciting, emergent local food movement in the greater Flagstaff community.  Our country is in the midst of a health and healthcare crisis, global climate change, and an economic and energy crisis.  Producing local, healthy, affordable food for ourselves and our children is a powerful solution for all of these dilemmas.  Flagstaff Foodlink believes there are abundant opportunities to connect farmers, ranchers, restaurateurs, food distributors and sellers, the general public, community organizations, and the governments of the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County into a food network to encourage local economic self-sufficiency, community and individual health, greater food security, and energy-conserving agricultural practices.  Flagstaff Foodlink offers an organizational body through which to catalyze profound change in the way we produce, consume, and value local foods here in Flagstaff

Hermosa Vida is a project that engaged community members in a planning process to identify and address issues regarding health determinants. While gathering information for this project we learned that Sunnyside residents clearly understand what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle but also understand there are barriers. Hermosa Vida provides opportunities for overcoming these barriers.

Over the next 2 years Hermosa Vida will increase access to nutritious food and recreational opportunities in Flagstaff’s Sunnyside.

“A Beautiful Life” project partners include North Country HealthCare, The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association, Flagstaff Medical Center’s Fit Kids of Arizona, NAU’s Department of Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Health Research Institute,  Flagstaff Unified School District, City of Flagstaff Recreation, Coconino County Public Health Services District, Flagstaff Foodlink , Flagstaff Community Supported Agriculture, Family and Community Teaming for Students (F.A.C.T.S) and Arizona Nutrition Network. The 3 year project is funded by a grant received from the Kresge Foundation.

To purchase a plot at the Izabel garden please contact Cara Corbin by e-mail,, or by phone, 479.871.3999

The project partners appreciate the public’s interest and participation in the project.. For more information about “A Beautiful Life”, contact Julio Quezada by email,; by mail, 2304 North Third Street, Flagstaff AZ 86004; by fax, 928-213-5460; or by phone, 928-525-6060.

Pride in the Pines

On behalf of the Northern Arizona Pride Association Board of Directors and our sponsors, we are excited to welcome everyone to the 16th Annual Pride in the Pines Festival, Saturday, June 16th, 2012!

Pride in the Pines has come a long way from the small picnic in the park it was 16 years ago. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of many people over the years and to the climate of positive change the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community has experienced since that time. Pride remains a growing and important annual event here in Flagstaff, both as a celebration of our identity and as a symbol of our continued struggle for equality.

We are proud of what we have accomplished and look forward to many more years of welcoming everyone to Pride in the Pines! Have your Family join our Family at 7000 feet!

This year's festival promises to keep you entertained with an array of activities, events and musical performances. Headlining the Bud Light Main Stage, Raven of Rupaul's Drag Race, American singer/songwriter Mary Gauither, and Diva Sensation Martha Wash celebrating 30 years of "It's Raining Men," with appearances by local favorites Whiskey Rodeo, The Love Me Nots, Orgena Rose, The Chromatics and MANY MORE!

TICKETS are $10 pre-sale online at or $15 at the gate.

Along with the festival on Saturday, there are many events scheduled over the entire weekend which can be found on our web site at The Green Room, our official Pride party venue, will kick off the weekend events with a beach party, and Uptown Billards and Nando's Downtown Grill will have plenty to offer those visiting Flagstaff.

We hope you will stay and enjoy the wonderful historical and national sites that Flagstaff has to offer, and take a tour of our historical downtown district while you're attending Pride.

A special thanks goes out to all of our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and board members for all the time and effort they have put in to make this event possible. We also would like to especially thank the City Of Flagstaff and Coconino County for supporting Pride in the Pines and truly making it a community event.

Join us Saturday, June 16th, in historical downtown Flagstaff at Wheeler Park in Celebrating 16 years of PRIDE!!!

Free Self-Care Workshop!

On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 from 3-5 p.m. Further Shore, Inc. is proud to offer Naturally Caring-TLC for Care Givers Workshop #3 "The Seven Levels of Healing Cancer". Presented by Meg Leander, Counselor. This FREE workshop will be held at the Joe Montoya Senior and Community Center in the arts and crafts room, located at 245 N. Thorpe Road next to Thorpe Park. The 2 hour workshop is designed for professional and family care givers.

In this interactive workshop you will learn how to expand and deepen caring for the whole person throughout their cancer diagnosis and treatment. This approach is useful for other medical conditions as well. Pre-registration is appreciated, but not required. Questions? Call 928-525-2910. The session will be held in the arts and crafts room. Light refreshments will be served and certificates of completion awarded. Find out more about Further Shore at

Friday, June 1, 2012

Nutrition Workshops in June


Anyone interested in nutrition, health and wellness will find these workshops to be of value.  While content may vary, depending on participants’ interests, each workshop will focus on what you can do practically to improve your health and quality of life by practicing wise nutrition.

Three topics will be covered this summer (listed under Fitness in the CCC Lifelong Learning Summer flyer).  The first will cover Diabetes Type 2: Are You at Risk?  The next will focus on Nutrition: Facts and Myths.  The final session covers weight loss/gain, “WHY Weight?”  (For specific questions, contact instructor below by calling (928) 774-0574.)

Workshops in nutrition will be offered on three (3) consecutive Saturdays in June, starting June 9th with DM2: Are You at Risk?  Each workshop will be just  2 hours in length.  The first workshop runs from 10am -12 noon.  Participants will leave this workshop with an individualized plan of health.  Each workshop will include an opportunity to sample foods discussed.

Murdoch Center at 203 E Brannen – just off Butler.  FREE parking is available.

Nutrition is a topic of discussion, one that is becoming more and more prevalent. Knowing the truths and myths of nutrition and what you CAN do to support your health and that of your family is smart planning!

Call Coconino Community College at (928) 526-7600 or go online to register.

Cost of each workshop is $25.00.  Participants who attend the first workshop will receive a guest pass, which may be used to bring a guest to either of the following two (2) workshops.  A minimum of five (5) must register for workshops to be held.

NOTE:  Workshops will be taught by Kim (KC) Criddle, who holds a Diploma in Comprehensive Nutrition.  She has worked as a nutrition consultant in food allergies and weight loss for 15 years in Scottsdale, AZ, and has provided patient education in clinical nutrition, including diabetes, for the past three years for Scottsdale Healthcare.