Friday, June 29, 2012

Affordable Care Act Ruling a "Clarion Call for Prevention"

Statement from Mary A. Pittman, DrPH, CEO and President, Public Health Institute, June 28th:

"Today's momentous Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sends a clear message: our transformation to a system of wellcare is underway, and there is no going back. 

"True health care reform was never just about how to insure individuals and pay for health services, but rather how to re-vision our health care system, prioritize prevention and keep people healthy in the first place.

"Today it is more important than ever that we work together to advance prevention: at every level of government, in our health care system, and in communities across the country.
"Millions of Americans will continue to benefit from the ACA's important strategies to transform our sickcare system into one that truly focuses on health and wellness: coverage for preventive health care, allowing young adults to remain on their parents' health insurance, and Medicaid coverage for everyone under 133 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. The ACA's landmark Prevention and Public Health Fund will continue to help communities across the country live smoke-free, eat healthier foods and get active.

"Evidence-based, community-focused prevention remains one of the best tools we have to improve our health, and the Public Health Institute (PHI) hears today's ruling as a clarion call to protect the health of those most at risk. PHI will continue to lead the work of 42 communities in high-need, under-resourced counties across California as they implement Community Transformation Grants, funded through the Prevention and Public Health Fund. PHI will continue to press for all levels of government to consider the health and equity of our people in every policy that is passed and every bill that is considered.

"The ACA is a visionary milestone in our country's history and the wheels it has set in motion will continue to benefit us all. We won't go back. The movement to build a healthier, more equitable nation extends beyond one piece of legislation. We all must continue to do our part to build a nation where everyone has an equal opportunity to experience optimal health."

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