Thursday, June 28, 2012

How are the Kids in Your New Legislative District?

Children's Action Alliance
A Voice for Arizona's Children Since 1988

All of the State Legislative Districts were redrawn this year, so the District you're now living in has changed. There are still 30 districts, but every one of the 30 has different boundaries and different numbers to go along with them. It's more than likely that the Legislative District (LD) you live in now is significantly different from the one you lived in just last year.

To help you learn more about your new District and conditions for children and families, we've pulled a ton of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and created fact sheets for each new LD in Arizona.

We've got:

The percentage of kids living in poverty.
The percentage of 3rd Graders who passed the AIMS Reading Test for select schools and school districts.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the children.
The percent of children living in households where a Public Benefit such as: Supplemental Security Income (SSI), cash public assistance income, or Food Stamps/SNAP, has been received in the past 12 months.

And Many More!

Click here to be taken to our 2012 Legislative District Fact Sheet page, where you can find all of the district fact sheets and learn how kids are faring in your community. If you don’t know your new legislative district, you can visit your county Election Office webpage or view the legislative maps at

If you have any questions about the fact sheets or the district you're living in, please, don't hesitate to contact me, Joshua Oehler at or by phone at 602-266-0707 x204.

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